Pixels and Prints

Monday, January 10, 2011

010/365 - She's Clean

It's dark so it's not really visible that Victoria just had her first car wash for 2011 after more than a month of being subjected to fickle-minded weather. If only she could talk, I can just imagine the bickering we'll be having over the fact that I prioritize cleaning my house more than having her cleaned every single week. And I'm pretty sure my father would be backing her up on that :p

Sunday, January 9, 2011

009/365 - My phones

The phones I'm so dependent on...Goldie (2007 Limited Edition Gold Motorola) and Onyx (White Blackberry Bold 9700)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

008/365 - My Newest Buy

Classic...fashionable...great find...a new pair to add to my eye wear collection

Friday, January 7, 2011

007/365 - Gatherings

I have so many photos to choose from this day because I attended 2 gatherings in just one night. After shift, I went to 8065 Bagnet with some of my most-willing teammates and then later on I had a reunion with my RX-Talk Mailing List friends.

And since I don't want to be unfair, I'll be posting 2 pictures for today - 1 of each from the 2 gatherings I went to.

Harassment at Bagnet
He's definitely not a willing victim

RX-Talk Listers
12 years and still counting...friendship really doesn't know any boundaries...for those who weren't able to attend, there's always a next time...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

006/365 - Strawberry Yoghurt

Very pale strawberry color I should say. It's probably meant to be that way. But Strawberry is pink and this doesn't even come close. But then again, it's still fro-yo so that can do.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

005/365 - My Favorite Timepiece

Some stones have long been gone but it never fails to give me the time when I need it. It's been to a lot of places with me and it's been my timepiece for the past 6 years.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

004/365 - Candied Apple Treat

Another cutesy present I got from a friend..

Candied apples are so cute to look at...this one's yummy too!